Friday 29 July 2016


Imagine this;- a village was invaded and the raiders took with them everything including women n children. The father managed to escape in the forest. While there, he made a small shelter made of grass n wood. He made some fire to warm himself. In the middle of the night, while he was deep asleep, his structure caught fire, but he managed to escape!
He sat pensively, and started cursing God.. Why, God, should you let me suffer like this? My home was raided and everything was taken away you allow my shelter to burn?? Why do this to me, God?". The structure burnt until dawn, and the smoke was visible from very far. Armed forest rangers flew over the forest and parachuted to see why the forest was burning! Upon landing, they saw the poor, hungry man and quickly airlifted him to safety! He narrated to them the story, and quickly the rangers communicated to their base for more helicopters to trace the raiders..who were caught before crossing the border! They escaped on foot while others were captured and all the captives and animals rescued!!!
The man knelt down and thanked God for saving him and rescuing his family and the stolen property! Moral of the story: NEVER curse God when things go wrong in your undertakings. Instead pray hard and ask Him for strength. God has many ways of rescuing you when you are in trouble, no matter of what magnitude! He uses many ways to rescue you, as He used fire to rescue this man who had given up hope. God does not revenge..even with the cursing, He still saved the man and everything he had lost to the raiders.
Have Faith ad Trust in God in everything you do. Bottom line.


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