My advice to buyers and sellers

Buyers ensure that ;
~you meet the seller in a safe place.
~the car U R buying has the original, right & clean papers, be careful about sale agreement without KRA car transfer. 
~in case the owner of the car is claimed to be deceased, let who ever is selling U the car provide U with original documents of inheritance & transfer.
~ensure the car chassis & engine number matches with the ones in the log book.
~incase of a changed engine ask for the papers.
~Avoid cars whose number plates are obscured by either erasing or photos taken from angles that obstructs the number plates.
~avoid buying cars with number plates of our neighbouring East African countries.
~Countercheck the ID numbers & photos of the seller using the ecitizen portal.
~Never send money for fuel or mechanic.
~Avoid cars with extremely low & attractive price in comparison to their value. eg a Prado v8 costing 100,000/=.
~Incase you buy Ur car from dealers avoid the little known car track companies U R often referred to by some people working in those dealership you could fall a victim of scams.
~AVOID BROKERS BY ALL MEANS POSSIBLE DEAL WITH EXACT CAR OWNER, brokers may entice you to buy a faulty vehicle or sometime inflate the price of cars.
~Avoid very old & faulty cars coz they could mean the beginning of misery .
~If the cost of repairing the SALVAGE vehicle U R buying exceeds it's value don't buy it.
~Avoid so called ROAD TESTS if you are not inside the car & in company of someone else, coz this could be the last time kuona gari yako.
~Avoid brokers who inflate the price of your car & discourage buyers.
~Meet in a safe location.
~Avoid mechanics who come in company of Ur would be buyer & claims Ur car has some 'problem' & generously help U 'repair it'.

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