Friday 10 July 2015

Types of Roommates You are Likely to get in Campus

By Philip Etemesi (K.U) 

Campus Stay can be good and irritating at times.The following are the different types of Room mates you will get in your stay at Campus hostels.
1. The Roommate that’s obsessed with
Desperate to connect, this roommate acts
like your best friend. This roommate is
even jealous of your actual best friend.
They warm up to you more than any
roommate should. They are more like a
clinger. With time, they become irritating
since they take sharing a living space as an
open invitation to do everything together.
When you go somewhere they’ll want to go
too. They will adopt your style, shop where
you shop, hang out with your friends and
struggle to wear what you wear despite the
financial gulf or difference in upbringing
between the two of you; All this under the
guise of trying to be like you.
2. The academic freak.
Living with this kind of roommate is
stressfull especially if you don’t love
reading too much yourself. When they are
not studying, chances are that they have
invited a friend with big spectacles and
baggy trousers over to discuss a 20 marks
sum. This roommate makes you feel guilty
of watching a movie because there’s
always that feeling that maybe you should
be studying instead. Worst still is when
they come with their 28/30 CAT marks yet
you have a 10/30 score
The academic freak or geek never gets
enough study time. They wake up to study
at 5 am, when sleep is usually sweetest
then they switch on the lights, disrupting
your comfort. They are also the kind to
switch off the radio or TV just when your
favorite program is about to start. When
you tell them they should use the library
instead, it becomes a fight.
3. The Exiler, Sex maniac and Space Hog
I like to refer to this one as the ‘I don’t care
about you or what you think’ roommate.
This roommate loves sex, whether it’s with
their boyfriend, girlfriend or random people.
Chances are that most of the times you get
to your room after a long and boring class,
you’ll find them cuddling with someone.
You just have to quickly excuse yourself
again and look for a place to hang out.
Living with this kind of person can make
you really hate them especially if you are a
member ‘Team Dry Spells’.  Some never
even bother exiling their roommates. They
just come with their partners and go ahead
to ‘chafua sheets’. The exiler on the other
hand will make you spend countless nights
away from your room.
Then they make their room appear like it’s
theirs alone. Whenever you want to use the
gas cooker or coil, chances are that this
roommate is boiling beans on it. Whenever
you want to listen to music, this roommate
is watching a movie. And worse still, they’ll
use most of your stuff without bothering to
buy theirs.
4. The Room Committee roommate
You know that kind of roommate that
always brings a group of loud Jaduongs in
the room to discuss politics and things like
that. Today they’ll discuss how Raila was
heckled in Kisumu and tomorrow they’ll
discuss how Uhuru should follow in
Museveni’s footsteps and ban miniskirts,
just because the girls in miniskirts are out
of their league.
On the ladies part, it’s usually endless
gossip. This kind of roommate has a
gossip team that she always brings over.
Each member of the gossip team plays a
particular role. There’s one who has
specialized in 411 about other people’s
relationships. She knows who broke up
with who and who’s cheating on who. Then
there’s the one who has specialized in
criticizing others yet she doesn’t have a life
worth talking about herself. All this goes on
and on.
5. The weird roommate
This one is either too clean, too silent or
too crazy. The silent one is a little more
than a ghost in a shell. You rarely know
what they are thinking, because they rarely
offer any transparency. Sometimes you
even fear for your life.
Then there’s the cleaner who will frown
when one of your friends enters the room
with their shoes on. The cleaner always
makes sure that everything in the room is
sparkling clean. They will lift your legs to
clean up a mess  or turn your things over
just to make sure there’s no dirt.
Not forgetting the roommate with a terrible
taste in music. This roommate is very
enthusiastic about listening to strange
beats at unbearably high volumes. It’s one
thing if someone merely likes a type of
music, it’s that person’s every right to
enjoy it, but when that cringe-inducing style
is forced down your throat in a way that
invades your functional headspace, well
that creates a problem. This kind of
roommate always insists on blasting rap
beats out of a desktop subwoofer, audibly
mouthing along.
6. The Party Animal
This one treats every night like it’s Friday
night. Any beverage that contains no
alcohol is “childen’s stuff.” The Party
Animal is the life of the party and they are
just as happy to go out and find a party as
they are to throw one.
The party animal will go to great lengths to
try to convert any “boring” people to their
partying life style.  This person is known
for their aggressive pursuit or falling for
members of the opposite sex. Ladies of
this kind always reappear in their rooms in
the morning after waking up on strange
beds. Guys of this kind have left a trail of
disappointed ladies on their paths since
they are ever full of vibe when they are
drunk but under perform in bed. They don’t
care though. All study and no party makes
Jack a bored student.

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