Friday 10 July 2015


1. Arts Courses

Even president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda stirred
controversy by declaring that “all arts courses are useless
because they are not seen to be contributing to anything in
the economy.”
Ranging from drama, music and even languages arts
courses are perceived by many to be one of the less serious
degrees that only require cramming and a bit of creativity,
anyone else can do that, right?

2. Hospitality degrees

This is touching anything to do with catering, hotel
management and such. This degree is also less marketable
according to a data released by the joint admission board
considering it to be less in demand in the labor market.
With titles such as Tourism and Travel studies it is an
assumption by some people that for you to undertake this
course, you must have “connections” somewhere.
Graduates who have completed this course either end up
working in banks or in other unrelated positions which only
requires them to get a degree.

3. Criminal justice

With the rising state of insecurity in the country, one would
think that pursuing this degree would be great advantage.
Sadly security chiefs in the country Joseph Boinnet and
Nkaiserry will not need your services because this
degree is also considered to be less desirable by those who
pursued it.

4. Political science

A good number of individuals who have pursued this course
have not had the chance to practice their “political views”
The reason is that there are few “Mutahi Ngunyi “vacancies
available in the country so they end up settling for other
jobs that they did not train for.

5. Mass media

For those who have undertaken the Media course, the sad
reality is that your job will be done by some comedian or by
someone who did pursue a business course.
Majority of those who pursue media courses do not end up
on screen or in the newspapers.

6. Chemical engineering

Now this may sound a little odd because an Engineering
course is described as one of the most marketable and
complex courses.
Some courses are very marketable and their jobs may be
available in developed countries like Russia or America but
not needed in Kenya.

7. Education

This is a course pursued by most Kenyans year in year out
but most wish their decision was reversed if they were given
a second chance.
This course would land you the job of a secondary teacher
and we all know what all teachers are going through thanks
to KNUT and KUPPETU sideshows.
Low remuneration and poor working conditions is one of the
reasons everybody despises being a teacher.

8. Bachelor of Theology and Biblical studies

Some famous politician in the country took less than year to
complete a degree in Theology. So it’s that easy right? And
besides the likes of Kanyari are giving the course a run for
its money meaning anyone can just wake up and decide to
become a pastor.
Some claim it is a calling from God and with that who needs
Theology classes?

9. Psychology and Counseling

Though it a powerful career as it involves impacting
people’s lives, most of graduates who pursued it are not so
lucky in finding jobs.

10. Sport Science

Individuals who have done this course do not find it to be
marketable as many would think.
Though some of them engage in sports profession as gym
instructors and personal trainers, the middle class economy
would struggle to afford this kind of lifestyle so less jobs for

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